Keyword Research

to find out relevant keywords

Perform competitive keyword research using fresh and accurate data and consider online visibility, click rates, competition, and other factors when deciding which keywords to rank.

Keyword Research




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Evaluate Keyword Worth With Keyword Research

Research and identify relevant keywords that can be used in an ad campaign that is most likely to result in conversions by analyzing search query data, and determining the most effective keywords to target, as well as the bid prices they should set for those keywords.

Keyword Research leave note

Powerful Features

Limitless Possibilities. What will you do for your business?

Keyword Focalized

Keyword Focalized

Generate a slew of new keyword recommendations. Examine the click-through potential of keywords before analysing and filtering them based on your objectives.

Keyword Management

Keyword Management

Identify which keywords are the perfect match and which are not. To get the best results for your brand recognization, include or exclude keywords.

Competitor Keyword Analysis

Competitor Keyword Analysis

Add domains to your evaluation to see who appears to be more important for the most popular keywords and to figure out which terms your competitors weren't really ranking for so you can take advantage of them.


What is Keyword Research?

Find and select the right keywords to target for a given website. keyword relevance has a good chance of ranking well on search engine results pages (SERPs).

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